On Her Terms with Nikki Elledge Brown
Nikki Elledge Brown
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🛍 W.A.I.T.: 4 Qs to ask before buying another ...anything. [OHT 072]
Had no plans to record a message today, but this acronym / message came through SO quickly I had to hot potato it directly to pod form for us. (This is what I mean by hot 'n fresh Krispy Kreme content!) *The main course starts around 4:20. Four Qs to help you purchase with more presence and power, now and forever: W is for WHY: why do I want this? what's the itch I'm trying to scratch? what's the void I'm trying to fill? what's the feeling or discomfort I'm trying to avoid (or the pleasure I'm trying to seek)? A is for ALREADY HAVE: what do I ALREADY HAVE? paid and free courses and content, pros in my network... what resources do I currently have access to that could fill the same gap / do the same job? I is for INSTEAD: what could I do with this money INSTEAD? if it's already energetically earmarked (I'm ready to part with it)... what else could I do with it that would feel even more true and empowering? (ex. savings, investments, fam holiday budget, yummy meals pre-made for the fam, pro house cleanings, virtual assistant services) T is for TIME: is now the best time for this purchase? am I actually ready to use it? could I sleep on it? wait a week, month, quarter, year till this special price will likely come back? *this brings up a bonus T for TRUST: trusting that if you decide not to make this investment right now, other resources will rise to support you anyway. You can't lose. This isn't about scarcity or either/or limitation. I'm a big fan of both/and. It's also not about shaming Black Friday deals, sales, or purchases. I love good deals! This IS about making mindful decisions with the resources we have available. Giving ourselves time to explore our options. THAT feels like true power to me. BLACK FRIDAY CHALLENGE: Take five to make a list of things you know with *100% certainty* you would buy anyway. EXTRA CREDIT: Make a spreadsheet (product, website, full retail price vs. promo price). Plan how much you're willing to spend. Get on their email lists so you can get access to their special pricing and promos so you can stock up with calm and confidence - not a false, fear-driven frenzy. BONUS ROUND: If you currently feel any guilt or shame around purchases you've made before, give this Naptime Empres ep called Dear Course Collector a listen. *bc I spend the first four minutes of the episode in full nutty professor mode, wildly connecting the divine breadcrumb dots that led to this message, including: 1) my decision NOT to instantly purchase a specially priced course bundle from a creator I love and respect this morning, 2) my reflections on my own spending habits, 3) the barrage of pre-Black-Friday emails in my subscription inbox, 4) a desire to send a message to my email list this week (but not wanting to add to BF noise), 5) celebrating my decision NOT to spend with my bestie via Voxer, then 6) ding! starting with WHY and the letter W... downloading a handy acronym to help us WAIT before buying on impulse. That brings us to 7) this podcast + related email - which is very seasonally and specifically related to Black Friday, yet evergreen in its application.] 📮 Thoughts? Qs? Requests? Share with me here in the comment box >> onherterms.com/convo ❤️ Loving this episode? Tap the menu to share with a friend or three! 📱 Are we connected on IG? Join me there @nikkielledgebrown and tag me in a screenshot as you listen. 👑 Want my pro support in bringing your ideas to life while valuing your fam and your well-being? Click here to tell me more. 🎧 This private pod magic is made possible by Hello Audio. (I'm obsessed. And an affiliate. >> nikkielledgebrown.com/helloaudio. 10/10 recommend.)
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