On Her Terms with Nikki Elledge Brown
Nikki Elledge Brown
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🦸🏻♀️ your save the day strategy (for blah, squirrely, distracted days) [OHT 086]
Mama said there'd be days like this. - The Shirelles Before you give up and declare energetic bankruptcy on an unusually meh or squirrely day, give this one a listen. Gimme 10 minutes and we'll make a practical plan so you can save your own day when you want to, whether you have five minutes, 30 minutes, or a full hour. This strategy is like an energetic emergency kit. Like packing snacks. Water. Bandaids. Hand sanitizer. Or your kid's fave show downloaded for use offline. Having these ideas and options handy is a simple way to boost your own battery power and feel sparky again. Gift yourself. 🎁 📮 Thoughts? Qs? Requests? Share with me here in the comment box >> onherterms.com/convo ❤️ Loving this episode? Tap the menu to share with a friend or three! 📱 Are we connected on IG? Join me there @nikkielledgebrown and tag me in a screenshot as you listen. 👑 Want my pro support in bringing your ideas to life while valuing your fam and your well-being? Click here to tell me more. 🎧 This private pod magic is made possible by Hello Audio. (I'm obsessed. And an affiliate. >> nikkielledgebrown.com/helloaudio. 10/10 recommend.)
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