On Her Terms with Nikki Elledge Brown
Nikki Elledge Brown
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⏰ early bird action: make moves before your resistance wakes up! [OHT 078]
What's your personal resistance routine? When do you tend to have more will power to challenge your default thoughts (and let mom brain talk you into beneficial action)? When do you tend to have slippery-fish-style excuses to talk you into maintaining the status quo? My resistance seems to snooze till around lunchtime these days. I tend to be most energized and optimistic in my first few waking hours. My best chance for taking new / more challenging actions is in the MORNING. As I create new habits over here, I'm aiming to complete my "new" baseline routine before lunch. And it's working well. The days when I don't, it's still useful, but I notice it's so much harder than it needs to be. My afternoon energy is typically lower, my brain isn't quite as sharp. On school days, that's when I shift into carpool and caregiver mode for my kiddos for the rest of the day. I can, of course, still do the things, but I have less energy, less focus, and get less fulfillment and energetic bang for my buck. Beating the clock to get a jumpstart and take *early bird action* has felt fun, and a good kind of sneaky. 🤗 It's working over here. Let me know if you give it a try! 📮 Thoughts? Qs? Requests? Share with me here in the comment box >> onherterms.com/convo ❤️ Loving this episode? Tap the menu to share with a friend or three! 📱 Are we connected on IG? Join me there @nikkielledgebrown and tag me in a screenshot as you listen. 👑 Want my pro support in bringing your ideas to life while valuing your fam and your well-being? Click here to tell me more. 🎧 This private pod magic is made possible by Hello Audio. (I'm obsessed. And an affiliate. >> nikkielledgebrown.com/helloaudio. 10/10 recommend.)
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