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On Her Terms with Nikki Elledge Brown

Nikki Elledge Brown



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💅 redefining consistency: the messy manicure method [OHT 087]

This one was inspired by a messy manicure and the reality of progress. Perfection is not a prerequisite for progress. But how often do we keep ourselves from moving forward because on some level, we believe it is? Ex. If I can't write a chapter a week, I won't even write a paragraph. (I don't recommend trying this thought at home.) That is not how that works! Logically we know this. Like batting averages - nobody's hitting 1000 out of 1000. Not even close. If you want to play the game, you've got to be willing to miss sometimes. If you want to have a chance at a hit, you've got to be willing to miss sometimes. I describe the "what we think consistency looks like" doodles - like this one. Progress isn't linear. It's not cookie cutter. It's messy. Consistency is about commitment and continually opting back in. ^^ That commitment and continual opt-in makes our progress as predictable as can be. Because the only way we won't get "there" is if we quit trying. I speak to Jon Acuff's concept of "the day after perfect" - the day we show up after the day we didn't. THAT is where the magic happens. It's where we build resilience and confidence. We get to decide what "perfection" actually looks like for us. Messy manicures and all. 📮 Thoughts? Qs? Requests? Share with me here in the comment box >> onherterms.com/convo ❤️ Loving this episode? Tap the menu to share with a friend or three! 📱 Are we connected on IG? Join me there @nikkielledgebrown and tag me in a screenshot as you listen. 👑 Want my pro support in bringing your ideas to life while valuing your fam and your well-being? Click here to tell me more. 🎧 This private pod magic is made possible by Hello Audio. (I'm obsessed. And an affiliate. >> nikkielledgebrown.com/helloaudio. 10/10 recommend.)

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