On Her Terms with Nikki Elledge Brown
Nikki Elledge Brown
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🌟 the power of streaks, stacks, and dopamine [OHT 079]
Let's leverage the power of dopamine and heart our OWN posts of progress. In this message we're talking about the power of external tracking and validating ourSELVES as we establish these new habits. Stickers, Sharpies, streaks and stacks - time to find a system that works for you. (It's the #onherterms way.) I use a 12x 12 wall calendar with symbols and shorthand for each habit I'm building. (Currently commemorating pod recording days with a heart doodled by a metallic pink Sharpie. 💖) STREAKS Streaks are about continuity, building consecutive links in the chain. powerful in building momentum through consistency. weight. oomph. power behind the daily automation. BONUS: reduces decision fatigue because it's decided for you in advance. Not up for debate. Eventually we hit a tipping point where it feels weird NOT to do the thing vs. to do the thing. That's fun! A streak helps you think twice before skipping a day because it becomes so ingrained, integrated, it's like part of your identity. But that's also the danger with streaks - sparking perfectionism, all or nothing extremes, and the "off track" mentality. Earth is a giant people mover and we can't fall off. We're stacking benefits here. Even if we miss some days. IDEA: Give yourself a punchcard style permission slip and tune into that Mom Brain mentality - remember we're not doing this "because I said so." We're doing this because it's a way we take care of ourselves. So on the days when you're in doubt, ask and be HONEST: Will taking this action help me feel better or worse? (Not just now, but 10 hours, 10 days from now, etc.) Let MOM BRAIN come up with the answer and follow her loving lead. STACKS Stacks are more about accumulation and compounding. The consistency doesn't matter as much. Ex. Making a yearly IRA contribution vs. auto-deposits monthly. Batch recording podcasts while inspired, then dripping them out over time. (Or two batches of Bridgerton Season 3, coming soon ;)) Stacks are fun because we feel a whoosh of progress. BOTTOM LINE This is about being really honest about which choices feel truly nourishing and supportive of the way we want to show up for ourselves (our families, our work, etc). Give yourself a chance to play around with what works for you. 📮 Thoughts? Qs? Requests? Share with me here in the comment box >> onherterms.com/convo ❤️ Loving this episode? Tap the menu to share with a friend or three! 📱 Are we connected on IG? Join me there @nikkielledgebrown and tag me in a screenshot as you listen. 👑 Want my pro support in bringing your ideas to life while valuing your fam and your well-being? Click here to tell me more. 🎧 This private pod magic is made possible by Hello Audio. (I'm obsessed. And an affiliate. >> nikkielledgebrown.com/helloaudio. 10/10 recommend.)
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