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On Her Terms with Nikki Elledge Brown

Nikki Elledge Brown



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♻️ redefining ambition (the on her terms way) [OHT 065]

A word-nerd study and hypothesis: If ambition is "a strong desire or determination to succeed" and success is "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose" and purpose is "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists" .... the ultimate AMBITION is to live the life *only* you can live, in the way that feels most powerful and true to YOU and what you value. Sometimes fam takes the front seat / prime position. Sometimes it's biz. Sometimes it's your well-being. You can spin that lazy Susan of highest values multiple times in a given day (because the truth is, you feel most like yourself when they all get a bit of loving attention). But sometimes, over a length of time, one area needs more focus. This message is for you when BIZ takes the backseat. Your ambition isn't gone. It's just changed form. For now. Would love to help you see the perfection in that. 📮 Thoughts? Qs? Requests? Share with me here in the comment box >> onherterms.com/convo ❤️ Loving this episode? Tap the menu to share with a friend or three! 📱 Are we connected on IG? Join me there @nikkielledgebrown and tag me in a screenshot as you listen. 👑 Want my pro support in bringing your ideas to life while valuing your fam and your well-being? Click here to tell me more. 🎧 This private pod magic is made possible by Hello Audio. (I'm obsessed. And an affiliate. >> nikkielledgebrown.com/helloaudio. 10/10 recommend.)

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