The Energy Shift
Ilana Kosakiewicz
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Intuition & Manifesting Tools With Kerry Rowett | E175
We all live in a very fear driven world that obsesses over trying to control life. Many humans are terrified of uncertainty, and so are constantly trying to anticipate every outcome. It's an exhausting way to live, and it can lead to chronic states of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. But, there is another way! The key to creating a life of trust and faith starts with your “Intuition”. In today’s podcast we explore the concept of intuition and manifesting with Kinesiologist, Reiki Master, Healer and Author Kerry Rowett. Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show. Show Links:
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