That's An Issue
Living Lchaim
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Confronting Sexual Abusers (with Dr. Gavriel Fagin)
There are two people when it comes to sexual abuse. The victim and the offender. In this episode, the Klestzicks sit down with Dr. Gavriel Fagin to discuss with him how to be more aware, active and in tune with the red flags offenders have. The best protocol to help victims and the work he does with abusers to help mitigate the risk of another offense. Need help? Need Direction? Relief is here to help! Call 718-431-9501 or email info@reliefhelp.org Want to share the show with someone who doesn't have access to the internet or smartphones? Our brand new and free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: 712-432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Please subscribe to our show. Lchaim. To watch this interview, go to LivingLchaim's YouTube channel
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