That's An Issue
Living Lchaim
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Opening Up About My Anxiety & Jealousy Struggles (with Dovid Bashevkin)
Dovid Bashevkin is the founder of the wildly popular 18Forty movement which is a new media company that helps users find meaning in their lives through the exploration of Jewish thought and ideas. In this episode, Dovid opens up (on a very raw level) his struggles with anxiety and jealousy. You can find more of his work on mental health here: https://18forty.org/mental-health/ ____________________________________ ► RELIEF IS HERE Need help? Need Direction? Relief is here to help! Call 718-431-9501 or email info@reliefhelp.org https://bit.ly/3GR0LqM ____________________________________ Get MORE From Lchaim: Free call-in-to-listen feature: 🇺🇸 USA: (605) 477-2100 🇬🇧 UK: 0333-366-0154 🇮🇱 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Have Questions, Comments, Concerns? We LOVE Feedback: WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513 or email us at Hi@LivingLchaim.com or Yoni@LivingLchaim.com If you'd like to sponsor your business or company on That's An Issue Podcast, let's talk: https://www.livinglchaim.com/sponsor Lchaim.
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