That's An Issue
Living Lchaim
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My Gambling Addiction Story & How I Help Addicts Recover (with Ike Dweck)
After struggling with gambling addiction, Ike Dweck slowly turned his life around. He has gone on to help others in need. He created the SAFE Foundation which is a New York state licensed OASAS (office of alcoholism and substance abuse services) outpatient treatment program located in Brooklyn, New York. They serve as a reliable haven for those experiencing difficulties with cigarettes, vaping, prescription drug addiction, alcoholism, and compulsive gambling. You can see more about SAFE here: https://www.thesafefoundation.org/ Have Questions, Comments, Concerns? We LOVE Feedback: Email us at Hi@LivingLchaim.com or Yoni@LivingLchaim.com If you'd like to sponsor your business or company, let's talk: https://www.livinglchaim.com/sponsor RELIEF IS HERE. Need help? Need Direction? Relief is here to help! Call 718-431-9501 or email info@reliefhelp.org https://bit.ly/3GR0LqM Want to share the show with someone who doesn't have access to the internet or smartphones? Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: - USA: 712-432-3489 - UK: 0333-366-0154 - ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Subscribe to our show to join the journey. Lchaim.
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