That's An Issue
Living Lchaim
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The Jewish Parent’s Guide to “The Talk” (with Dr. Shloimie Zimmerman)
Warning: This episode is for parents & adults only. Here's a conversation that integrates the Torah’s wisdom and cutting-edge psychological research to provide a comprehensive approach to educating and supporting our sons and students regarding: health and safety, puberty, marital intimacy, and today’s challenges to kedushah. Dr. Shloimie Zimmerman, Psy.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist who founded and directs Child and Adult Psychological Services PLLC, a multi-disciplinary group mental health practice. A world-renowned speaker and consultant to many non-profits in the fields of child development, education, abuse prevention, and trauma, Dr. Zimmerman is also the Chair of Amudim’s advisory board and Chair of Magen New York’s clinical advisory board. He recently published the extremely impactful book, "From Boys to Men" that is fantastic. Through kind and generous donors, you can get Dr. Z's book for just an $18 donation towards Living Lchaim (this includes free shipping!) ► GET YOUR BOOK HERE: https://www.livinglchaim.com/drz Through the support of generous benefactors, this book is also available for free to all Mosdos, Mechanchim, or Rabbonim by completing the form in the following link: https://tinyurl.com/Fromboystomenbook Have Questions, Comments, Concerns? We LOVE Feedback: Email us at Hi@LivingLchaim.com or Yoni@LivingLchaim.com If you'd like to sponsor your business or company, let's talk: https://www.livinglchaim.com/sponsor RELIEF IS HERE. Need help? Need Direction? Relief is here to help! Call 718-431-9501 or email info@reliefhelp.org https://bit.ly/3GR0LqM Want to share the show with someone who doesn't have access to the internet or smartphones? Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: - USA: 712-432-3489 - UK: 0333-366-0154 - ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Subscribe to our show to join the journey. Lchaim.
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