That's An Issue
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10 Dumb Mistakes Smart Couples Make (with Rabbi Bentzion Shafier)
In this episode, Rabbi Schafier explores how to strengthen your relationship, even if you and your partner are experiencing different realities. We discuss specific ways to communicate effectively, understand and embrace your spouse's emotions, and appreciate each other genuinely. The Rabbi reveals the ONE THING your husband wants from you more than anything else, and it's not what you think. Similarly, he shares the ONE THING that will make your wife happy, and it's DEFINITELY not what you think. He also covers the ONLY way to change your spouse so that you can finally get what you need in the relationship. Get the Rabbi's amazing book (and more) here: https://bit.ly/3Jo0OdX Rabbi Bentzion Shafier is the founder of theshmuz.com, author of the books Stop Surviving and Start Living, Finding, Keeping Your Soulmate, The Torah Lifestyle and Two Minutes to Bitachon and 10 Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make. He is also the man behind the Shmuz itself, a forty-five minute weekly shiur that has been loved around the globe for over ten years. He is responsible for delivering cutting-edge Torah content through live webinars, videos, articles and more and can be contacted at rebbe@theshmuz.com. RELIEF IS HERE. Need help? Need Direction? Relief is here to help! Call 718-431-9501 or email info@reliefhelp.org https://bit.ly/3GR0LqM Want to share the show with someone who doesn't have access to the internet or smartphones? Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: - USA: 712-432-3489 - UK: 0333-366-0154 - ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Subscribe to our show to join the journey. Lchaim.
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