Manifesting Joy : 52 Weeks of Hope
Lauren Abrams
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How to Reinvent Yourself: Overcoming Burnout and Finding Your Authentic Truth with Trevor Turnbull
Are you ready to live your most authentic life? Do you crave more freedom and time? Do you need space to gain clarity and create your dreams? Tune in as Trevor Turnbull shares secrets for finding inspiration and the importance of nurturing self-care. Imagine if you fully trusted yourself. Learn the tools to fully engage in your power. Listen as Trevor shares insights on how to break your cycle of chaos or burnout and focus on building the life you deserve. Discover how Trevor transformed his own life by stepping outside his comfort zone by learning how to go within, as well as having deep, honest, and meaningful conversations with the right mentors. “Turn my mess into my message. When I first heard that, I thought, well, that’s interesting because I always thought my mess was just my mess, and I better bottle that stuff up, or people will think I’m flaky or a failure.” – (Trevor), 2:29 Trevor challenges you to step outside your comfort zone and fully embrace new experiences. Get ready to unleash your inner adventurer and embrace growth like never before! “Changing who you are doesn’t need to be hard. It’s actually quite simple, but it’s not easy because it requires you to change who you are and how you show up every day.” (Trevor), 15:30 If you're tired of feeling burnt out and are seeking hope, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we dive deep into Trevor's powerful story and learn how you, too, can reignite your passion and live a life driven by purpose filled with joy. "Step into the room that maybe makes you a little nervous, or where you're not even sure you're supposed to be there, and when you do, be fully there." (Trevor), 34:17 In this episode: (2:38) – Turning your mess into your message. (3:30) – The Extremely Conscious Man Movement. (4:30) – The impact of standing meditation. (5:12) – Burnout, work, and the challenge of slowing down. (12:07) – Being patient with yourself. (13:15) – The value of self-care. (16:02) – Messages you give yourself. (17:35) – How micro things powerfully impact your present and future life. (19:04) – The importance of finding your tribe and building community. (19:30) – Knowing when to say no and when to say yes. (21:44) – The Better Man Community. (24:55) – Getting through the most painful moments. (29:35) – The dramatic change a cold shower brings. (33:07) – Lead with love and start by loving yourself. Resources and Links 52 Weeks of Hope https://www.52weeksofhope.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@52weeksofhope https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/ https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/ https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/ https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard Trevor Turnbull https://www.trevorturnbull.com/ https://facebook.com/trevorturnbull https://www.instagram.com/trevorturnbull/ https://www.extremelyconscious.com/guide/
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