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Manifesting Joy : 52 Weeks of Hope

Lauren Abrams



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Breaking Free from the Hamster Wheel: How to Rediscover Balance and Joy with Heather Fier

Do you ever feel like life calls you to slow down? Are you tired of thinking you have to control everything? Or be the best? Are you ready to let go (or is life forcing you to)? If this sounds like you, you’ll love listening to Heather Fier as she teaches self-care and self-compassion tips for overachievers. You’ll get tools to overcome the overwhelm and exhaustion. “Learning to let go was not overnight; it took a while.” – (Heather), 3:42 “It’s really you’re just torturing yourself. That’s what I realized is my desire to control outcomes was just making things more difficult for me.” (Heather), 9:14 In this episode, entrepreneur, mother, author, and infertility warrior Heather Fier provides you with strategies learned through firsthand experiences on how to surrender control. How to listen to your body when it speaks, and how to embrace life as it unfolds. Listen as Heather encourages you to trust fresh ways of thinking that can open the doors of success by learning to trust that everything has its unique timing.  “The biggest shift was moving my body every day and listening intuitively to what that movement should be.” (Heather), 4:50 Letting go is your superpower. It allows you to pause, and Heather shows you how to find meaning in difficult situations as well as how to be present in the moment, find balance, and even get to laugh! “Sometimes, being the parent of a young, strong leader is not easy.” (Heather), 13:59 “I think the biggest relief is not having to toggle between work and being a mom so much. I think that’s something that we underestimate the stress it causes us to switch our brain between these two roles.” – (Heather), 22:16 In this episode: (4:02) – Learn how to let go.  (4:08) – The pain of letting go and the IVF failures.  (5:10) – Listening to what her body needed was a big shift for Heather.  (6:04) – Doing what feels good for your body and how to tune in.  (7:38) – How to stop being controlling.  (8:00) – The lessons of a fertility journey. (10:40) – Wanting to control everything and how to stop.  (11:41) – How to stop creating your own suffering.  (14:34) – IVF teaches patience. (15:35) – Why being present in your body is crucial.  (20:30) – Writing a book while grieving her foster daughter leaving. (21:30) – The experience of working with a newborn.  (22:20) – Underestimating the challenge of being an overachieving entrepreneur and a mother.  (24:06) – How to find a business partner.  (26:05) – The challenges of a health crisis. Resources and Links  52 Weeks of Hope Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren! Heather Fier

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