The Book Marketing Action Podcast
Weaving Influence
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Building a Thriving Community with Dennis Pitocco
This episode is about building thriving communities, both online and in person. Becky is joined by Dennis Pitocco—Chief Reimaginator at 360° Nation. He and his wife have built an incredible community of writers and nonprofit leaders and generously share their time, energy, and passion to make the world a better place. During the episode, Dennis shares: About himself and his work in the world.About his other website, GoodWorks 360, where he helps nonprofits for free. The story of how he started building his online presence with his wife. How authors can connect with him and start writing for 360° Nation.The article topics 360° Nation is known for.The secrets of success for building a thriving online community. Which of the four commitments of Reach has been most critical to 360° Nation’s success.The generosity of 360° Nation and why the value they offer is completely free.What inspired that amazing generosity. For our show notes, including action steps and resources, visit: https://weavinginfluence.com/podcast/episode-104-building-a-thriving-community/ Please feel free to send a message to Becky at becky@weavinginfluence.com to share your thoughts!
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