Brain Unblocked: The Brainspotting Podcast
Carolyn Robistow
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Raising Your Rates is NOT the Answer to Being More Profitable in Business (and neither is cutting your spending). [Money Mini-series 1 of 2]
If you’ve ever struggled with how much to charge for your services, avoided looking at accounting data, or wished you could just hurry up and hire someone to manage your finances, then this episode is for you. You don’t want to miss: Why raising your rates is NOT the solution to having a healthy relationship with your business finances How to tell if money stuff is dysregulating you and making it harder to make data-driven decisions Why looking at the data is crucial if you want a sustainably profitable business PLUS, what to do when you’re ready to stop muscling your way through the discomfort of facing the financial side of your business. Links and resources: Book a free strategy call with Carolyn to find out how to unblock your brain blocks around money: Get a Daily Brain Block Buster delivered right to your inbox everyday to nudge you from Groundhog Day to Optimized AF Entrepreneur. Subscribe for free at Download your free body scan meditation so you can take the first step toward subcortical healing Stuck on the Groundhog Day Drinker’s Cycle of Shame? Download the free E-book: Mistaken Moderation now at Follow me on Instagram: @carolynrobistow Brainspotting by Dr. David Grand Email me at
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