Catholic Nerds
Catholic Nerds
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Episode 2: The Deathly Hallows
The Nerds take deep cuts into the Thanos myth arc and stumble into the Pieta hidden in the death of Captain Marvel. Doctor Aphra is also given the Catholic once-over, for better or worse. Also, are you ready for Father Donald Calloway's next book?? Plus, here is how to further nerdify yourself with the C-Nerds: Check out our sister podcast: Catholic Nerds Gaming (Catholic DnD) and the ongoing saga of the Legend of the Radiant Lady! Do you want to bedeck yourself in your #1 galactic source for quality Catholic nerdery? Of course, you do! And now you can ... LINK Like the Catholic Nerds on Facebook Check out our Patreon page for exclusive nerdiness. Tweet us @NerdsCatholic. Email us at
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