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Episode 34: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, The Moral Catastrophe of the Sexual Revolution

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse joins the Catholic Nerds ahead of the Ruth Institute Summit - click here to check out the Summit and buy your virtual ticket! Join us for this WIIIDE-ranging conversation on the ghoulishness of TRANSGENDERISM, the moral catastrophe of the Sexual Revolution, and its state-sponsored ideology!! Dr. Morse's book The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right All Along - we talk about this awesome book that dissects the elite, parasitic ideologies: Contraceptive Ideology, Divorce Ideology, and Gender Ideology No-Fault Divorce - Where did it come from? Can we get rid of it?  What is a Woman? We discuss the Daily Wire's new documentary about Scott Nugent and sexual reassignment surgery. Dr. Morse explains how the differences between man and woman is offensive to the transgender movement, and how they are attempting to de-gender marriage and people.  And Dr. Morse provides us with the ANSWER & ANTIDOTE TO TRANSGENDERISM: Catholic Teaching!  AND check out Dr. Morse's podcast from the Ruth Institute: The Dr. J Show Do you want to bedeck yourself in your #1 galactic source for quality Catholic nerdery? Of course, you do! And now you can … Check out the C-Nerd T-Shirts and Merch! Like the Catholic Nerds on Facebook. Check out our Patreon page for exclusive nerdiness. Tweet us @NerdsCatholic Email us at Also, check out Scott's e-course on the Virgin Mary at All Saints University! Recent posts from Scott's blog: Ukraine, Russia, & The Virgin Mary: Why 9/11 Happened on 9/11, The Winged Hussars and History's Greatest Cavalry Charge, and The Miracle of the Vistula Why Does Jesus Curse the Fig Tree? (Mark 11) What Was the Fruit of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Holy Monday of Holy Week Rebecca & The Virgin Mary: The 5 Promises of the Virgin Mary Based on the Holy Mother Rebecca According to St. Louis de Montfort What Does "The Stone Which the Builders Rejected Has Become the Cornerstone" Mean? Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:11; Acts 4:11 

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