Catholic Nerds
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Episode 36: Parenting Nerds Protecting Kids from the Gender Cult with Dr. Erin Brewer and Maria Keffler
The Catholic Nerds nerd out with Dr. Erin Brewer and Maria Keffler about protecting our kids from the plague of gender confusion and gender reassignment surgery. Dr. Erin Brewer and Maria Keffler are the co-founders of Advocates Protecting Children and will be honored as the Activists of the Year at the 2022 Ruth Institute Summit. Erin and Maria are the authors and co-authors of lots of great books! Erin wrote a children’s book, Always Erin; Transing Our Children; Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child out of the Gender Cult. Together, they created the devotional Gentle Leadings, as well. Erin and Maria created the video series and book: Commonsense Care for Parents and Teacher Talks for Educators. This great video series is available on YouTube for FREE!! Erin and Maria co-founded Advocates Protecting Children, a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting the gender industry, and especially its predation on children in the form of unethical social and medical transition for the sake of political and financial profit. APC serves and supports churches, schools, organizations, families, and individuals who seek facts and guidance on responding to gender ideology and activism. Maria Keffler got involved in the fight against transgender ideology during the fights against the left-wing political agenda of the Virginia school boards in Arlington and elsewhere Here's the YouTube Transgender Training video with the extremely long gender introduction from "demi-woman" Maybe Burke. We laughed and cried discussing this in the podcast. Can you imagine a future world where introductions are so long and tedious that we never talk about anything? Do you want to bedeck yourself in your #1 galactic source for quality Catholic nerdery? Of course, you do! And now you can … Check out the C-Nerd T-Shirts and Merch! Like the Catholic Nerds on Facebook. Check out our Patreon page for exclusive nerdiness. Tweet us @NerdsCatholic Email us at Also, check out Scott's e-course on the Virgin Mary at All Saints University! Recent posts from Scott's blog: Ukraine, Russia, & The Virgin Mary: Why 9/11 Happened on 9/11, The Winged Hussars and History's Greatest Cavalry Charge, and The Miracle of the Vistula Why Does Jesus Curse the Fig Tree? (Mark 11) What Was the Fruit of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Holy Monday of Holy Week What Does "The Stone Which the Builders Rejected Has Become the Cornerstone" Mean? Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:11; Acts 4:11
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