Catholic Nerds
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Episode 38: Countering the "Transgender" Narrative with Walt Heyer, Formerly "Transgender" Witness to the Horror of Gender Therapy
Attention Parents!! Nerd out about the insane and insidious language of gender ideology and how to fight back! with Walt Heyer. Meet Walt, a living, breathing witness to the horrible wrongness of transgenderism. Walt lived for 8 years as a woman – Laura Jensen – despite the fact that he was a man. For the last 30 years since transitioning away from his persona of Laura, he has worked courageously to counter the transgender narrative that you can change genders. Walt received the 2022 Ruth Institute Witness of the Year Award for his work with individuals with gender incongruence. You can't change your gender! ... only the language. Parents contact Walt for help all the time. Parents write him saying, "My son is transgender; he's transitioning; and he's got gender dysphoria." Walt answers, "He is not transgender; he isn't going to transition; and he doesn't have gender dysphoria. Let's find out what's really wrong." Walt doesn't use *their* language and when he stops using their language, he finds out what's actually wrong. 100% of the time. Stay tuned for Walt's 3 Big Questions for people with gender confusion. #1: Why do you want to destroy who you are? #2 ... #3 ... Support Walt's work! Buy ALL OF WALT'S BOOKS @ the Bookstore!! Do you want to bedeck yourself in your #1 galactic source for quality Catholic nerdery? Of course, you do! And now you can … Check out the C-Nerd T-Shirts and Merch! Like the Catholic Nerds on Facebook. Check out our Patreon page for exclusive nerdiness. Tweet us @NerdsCatholic Email us at Also, check out Scott's e-course on the Virgin Mary at All Saints University! Recent posts from Scott's blog: The Jewish Roots of the Altar Rail: The Origins of the Altar Rail in the Temple of Jerusalem Ukraine, Russia, & The Virgin Mary: Why 9/11 Happened on 9/11, The Winged Hussars and History's Greatest Cavalry Charge, and The Miracle of the Vistula What Does "The Stone Which the Builders Rejected Has Become the Cornerstone" Mean? Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:11; Acts 4:11
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