Catholic Nerds
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Episode 31: Nerding with Trent Horn! Epic Marvel vs DC Debate
Master Debater and Catholic Apologist Trent Horn joins the Catholic Nerds for the debate of the ages: Marvel or DC? Which is more Catholic? Which is more Pro-Life? Wait for Trent's insight into who Bruce Wayne's real disguise is ... Here is are some of the categories: Best Rogues’ Gallery and Best Bad Guy - Thanos or Darkseid? (We talk about how wimpy Thanos was in the comics) Weirdest bad guy, e.g. Mr. Mxyzptlk, Condiment Man Most Catholic conception of the universe (Most Pro-Life?) Best/Favorite Catholic character, e.g. Daredevil, Nightcrawler, Huntress (would Constantine count for DC?) Best superhero team-ups: Justice League, Dark Justice League, Suicide Squad vs. Avengers, X-Men, FF, Guardians of the Galaxy Do you want to bedeck yourself in your #1 galactic source for quality Catholic nerdery? Of course, you do! And now you can … Check out the C-Nerd T-Shirts and Merch! Like the Catholic Nerds on Facebook. Check out our Patreon page for exclusive nerdiness. Tweet us @NerdsCatholic Email us at Also, check out Scott's e-course on the Virgin Mary at All Saints University!
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