Ghostpuncher Corps
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isawthearizonalights vol IX
Valerie and Whitney are safe, far away from Peregreine Asterley and the forces of Anya St. Jean and the Lazarus Foundation. Everything, it would seem, is right where it belongs. The crew says their goodbyes. Petua gives closure that perhaps wasn't hers to give. Some of them are more successful than others. Songs used in this episode: Blossoms Will Sprout from the Carcass - Skagos (Intro) Turbolover - Judas Priest Ov Waves - Vind Lights in the Sky - Nine Inch Nails Corona Radiata - Nine Inch Nails SFX used in this episode: Night Ambience - Elwi Truck Starting 001 - Yottasounds From inside SUV driving through dirt road truck passes by - Shredder10 Knock_the_door - Anagar Door slam 2 - Bennstir KickDoorOpen - Yap_Audio_Production Snapping, Wooden Fence, F- Inspectorj Highway Ambience - JasonElrod Bodyboard, Stretch, A - Inspectorj cardboardbox - j1987 Door Knocking - Altfuture Flamethrower - Pugaeme Cinematic Deep Rumble - Swiftoid Dropped Metal Sheet - Asbestos Bill Dropped Metal Tea Tin - Rossbell Horn_Doppler_01 - Mullumbimby All music and sound effects are used non-commercially with attribution. Support Ghostpuncher and Ghostpuncher Corps at http://www.patreon.com/ghostpuncher This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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