Ghostpuncher Corps
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"Ah, Nuts!" Vol III
Ghostpuncher Corps rides again! Transcript for this episode can be found here: https://ghostpuncher.net/transcript-3-ah-nuts-vol-iii/ Songs used in this episode: Blossoms Will Sprout from the Carcass - Skagos (Intro/Outro) Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts 25, 26, 21 The Full Destroyer Merzbow Meltdown - Alec Empire & Merzbow Thrust & Counting Fives - Allochiria SFX: Connum - Electric Sparks Corsica - Amp Noise Garnern - Tube Amp Turning On Jedspear - Closing Automatic Garage Door Inspectorj - Smashing Wooden Fence
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