Ghostpuncher Corps
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isawthearizonalights vol V
The gang drop on in on a particularly well gated community and make their introductions. Petua learns the gentle art of making enemies. Mikey chooses not to make friends. Elektra can't help herself. Who is the enigmatic Peregrine Asterly and what does he know about these lights everyone keeps talking about? Songs used in this episode: Blossoms Will Sprout from the Carcass - Skagos (Intro/Outro) Mills - Altar of Plagues Aim to Stay - William Ross Chernoff's Nomads SFX: Gunclick - Yap Mosin Nagnant Bolt - Rammbostein Frozen Celery Breaking Cracking Bones - Idalize Bodyboard Stretch A - InspectorJ All songs used in this episode are Creative Commons licensed for non-commercial use with attribution. Support Ghostpuncher and Ghostpuncher Corps at http://www.patreon.com/ghostpuncher This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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