Ghostpuncher Corps
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isawthearizonalights vol VIII
Peregrine Asterly is dead, the source of the mysterious lights has been discovered and we seem to be coming round the bend of the end of this adventure. With victory nearly in their grasp, how will our heroes manage to f**k this up this time? Songs used in this episode: Blossoms Will Sprout from the Carcass - Skagos (Intro/outro) Lights in the Sky - Nine Inch Nails William Ross Chernoff's Nomad's - Four Way SFX used in this episode: Turning a record player on to play music - IESP Vinyl record needle static - joedeshon Vinyl record pop - joedeshon Flamethrower - pugaeme Machine Gun - fenelliot Homemade gun shot1 (NO ECHO) - Noah_Fletcher Tube Amp turning on - garnern Rocks - adamgryu Wind in a tree in the Mojave Desert - felix.blume Group running in sync on concrete - jhumbucker All music and sound effects are used non-commercially with attribution. Support Ghostpuncher and Ghostpuncher Corps at http://www.patreon.com/ghostpuncher This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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