Ghostpuncher Corps
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isawthearizonalights vol VII
Last week our heroes trekked with Peregrine Asterley into the wilderness of Arizona to see the fabled lights. Now that crucial part of the mystery is revealed and Mikey, Petua and Elektra are set to stand off with Peregrine Asterley and defend themselves against whatever schemes he may still have. Here's what Ronnie the Octodog looks like: https://bit.ly/ronnietheoctodog Songs used in this episode: Lights in the Sky - Nine Inch Nails (Intro) Corona Radiata - Nine Inch Nails Blossoms Will Sprout from the Carcass - Skagos (Outro) SFX used in this episode: Wooden Chair Skootz - Freqman Dog Panting - stevenpam Apple Bite - phatcorns Cracking/Crunching - inspectorj Large Animal Running - benjaminharveydesign Bathtub hits impacts, cantaloupe melon head - SpliceSound All music and sound effects are used non-commercially with attribution. Support Ghostpuncher and Ghostpuncher Corps at http://www.patreon.com/ghostpuncher This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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