2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation
Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
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The Neighbors We Need with Jan Latorre-Stiller
In this episode, Michelle interviews expert guest Jan Latorre-Stiller, the Executive Director of Cambridge Neighbors, a member of the Village to Village Network. Cambridge Neighbors (CN) is a membership-driven organization helping adults living in Arlington, Belmont, Cambridge, Somerville, and Watertown Massachusetts stay in the homes and neighborhoods they love. Three key takeaways from this episode: Joining a Village in your area can offer you the support you need to stay in your home longer. Services can include grocery shopping volunteers, volunteer tech support services, small household repairs, opportunities for connection and social engagement, and connections to well-vetted vendors. At some point, people may need to explore assisted living or nursing facility options for when they need more support than a Village can provide. Village to Village Network https://vtvnetwork.org/ Beacon Hill Village https://www.beaconhillvillage.org/ Cambridge Neighbors https://cambridgeneighbors.org/ Jan Latorre-Stiller, Executive Director Cambridge Neighbors, 545 Concord Avenue, Suite 104. Cambridge, MA 02138 For a free initial phone call with a Senior Care Consultant at 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, click here. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at https://2sisters-sla.com/ © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
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