2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation
Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
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Improvisation in Dementia Care
Validating, redirecting, using therapeutic fibs, and empathic listening are some of the most common techniques used to successfully communicate with someone who has dementia. Each of these techniques requires us to think on our feet, and go with the flow. Communication with someone who has dementia is outcome-based. What is the objective of what we are communicating? Are we trying to get them to perform a particular task? Are we trying to minimize their agitation? Improve the quality of their day? There are many ways to accomplish each of these things, but it is almost never by expecting them to enter present reality. Three take-ways from this episode: Validation therapy, versus reality orientation, is the correct approach to communicate with someone who has dementia. The phrase: “Yes, And”, is more than two words simply strung together. It is a state of mind. The basic concept is that we are up for anything, and will go along with whatever might be thrown our way. Essentially, we don’t use the word “No” very often. Therapeutic fibs are little white lies that can be used to prevent unnecessary distress for someone with dementia. Useful links- https://www.seniorliving.org/health/validation-therapy/ https://www.verywellhealth.com/using-validation-therapy-for-people-with-dementia-98683 Using improve to life with Alzheimer’s Ted Talk: https://www.tedmed.com/talks/show?id=526821 Alzheimer’s Association https://www.alz.org/ Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at https://2sisters-sla.com/ © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
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