2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation
Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
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Getting Along with the People We Depend On
How do we make everything work as sisters, as parents, as adult children, as friends, and as business partners? In this episode we offer our best tips for getting along with the people you most depend on. We choose not to have unnecessary conflicts. It is humbling but also empowering to look at how much energy we spend either towards our goals or away from them. We purposefully let a lot slide in order to protect our complex relationship. We constantly reassess how much we each must deal with. Keeping our to-do lists fluid and checking it often allows us to reprioritize things for each other when it is needed. We are grateful all the time. Things are far from perfect, but we always have what we need. By focusing on our problems as opportunities for growth, we keep each other from dwelling in the negative. https://www.today.com/parents/bren-brown-s-advice-peace-home-during-covid-19-t177083 Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at https://2sisters-sla.com/ © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
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