Buddhist Wisdom, Modern Life
Claire Villarreal, PhD
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How to practice for someone who's died (live talk and practice)
If you've lost a friend or loved one recently -- or just want to offer some practice to help folks you hear about on the news who've recently passed -- here are a few simple suggestions, plus a little background from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This is a longer, live version of the previous episode, for those who prefer a short talk. I’ll explain how to prepare to support your loved one (or a stranger) who’s recently died, based on Tibetan Buddhist teachings as well as modern research on near death experiences and cases of reincarnation. I’ll also show you how to use the mantra of Amitabha, the buddha of limitless light whose pure land is easy to be reborn into. And if the person you’re supporting isn’t Buddhist, you can use a variation of the practice. My free mini-course on the Tibetan teachings on death and rebirth: https://geni.us/bardoscourse Amitabha’s mantra: OM AMI DEVA HRI Watch this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/DwTaIWqwvtY More on Amitabha: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amit%C4%81bha More mantras: https://youtu.be/PuyE_S1UZhs Check out my book on Buddhist basics: https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy Write me: claire@clairevillarreal.com May all beings be well.
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