The Imagine Neighborhood
The Imagine Neighborhood
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Crossing Guardasaurus
BREAKING NEWS! This just in from WTIN Studios, The Imagine Neighborhood’s top radio station: Reports indicate that many kinds of animals are having difficulty safely crossing the busy road in front of Princess Donnasaurus’s castle! Her Royal Highness is personally taking action to assist them, but it seems she hasn't made sure that they all want her help.Is an act of kindness still kind, even if it's unwelcome? Let’s join lead anchor Cardboard Scotty with Count Vacula live at Donnasaurus Castle to bring you all the answers. Over to you, Cardboard Scotty! . . . Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.org (https://www.imagineneighborhood.org/)Friend and follow us!TWITTER (https://twitter.com/HowWereYouKind), FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/theimagineneighborhood/), INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/theimagineneighborhood/)
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