The Imagine Neighborhood
The Imagine Neighborhood
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Feelin' Groovy: Ragtime Grooves
Today Princess Donnasaurus and Macho Supreme are playing one of the Neighborhood's favorite games—“Feelin' Groovy!” You play by listening to a song together, then you share all the different emotions it makes you feel, and the different things it makes you think about! It's a fun way to learn about your friends, and to find out about cool music. And the best part about playing “Feelin' Groovy” is that there are no wrong answers and everybody wins!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.org (https://www.imagineneighborhood.org/)Friend and follow us!FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/theimagineneighborhood/), INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/theimagineneighborhood/), YOU TUBE (https://www.youtube.com/@howwereyoukind)
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