The Imagine Neighborhood
The Imagine Neighborhood
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The Power of Yet!
It's pool-party time at Alakazambra's house and everyone's invited. Even Preston Change-o is there! But when AllyK asks him to fill the empty pool using his new water spell, he starts to feel nervous. It's difficult, and Preston keeps making mistakes. He's getting really frustrated and is about ready to give up when Alakazambra teaches him the most powerful spell of all—one that even mere mortals can use!You say you don't know the spell? . . .You don't know it - YET!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.org (https://www.imagineneighborhood.org/)Friend and follow us!FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/theimagineneighborhood/), INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/theimagineneighborhood/), YOU TUBE (https://www.youtube.com/@howwereyoukind)
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