The Imagine Neighborhood
The Imagine Neighborhood
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Reckless Ricardo
A big crowd has gathered to watch Cap’n Marion perform the three difficult stunts that only the legendary pirate Reckless Ricardo has ever accomplished! She completes two, but when the time comes to lava-ski down the side of boiling hot Mt. Infernus on just a pair of boat paddles, Cap’n Marion isn’t so sure she wants to keep going. Her sailor-sense tells her that it’s not a good idea, but everyone is watching and waiting! When we get dared to do something, is it okay to say “no”? And what if we already said "yes," but then we change our minds? For the answers to these questions plus a high seas adventure that’s sure to shiver yer timbers, hoist the anchor and set sail with The Imagine Neighborhood! Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.org (https://www.imagineneighborhood.org/)Friend and follow us!TWITTER (https://twitter.com/HowWereYouKind), FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/theimagineneighborhood/), INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/theimagineneighborhood/)
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