The Imagine Neighborhood
The Imagine Neighborhood
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No Filter: Weird Al - Bigger, Longer & Clean-cut
Hey everybody, it’s your pal Count Vacula! I’m super excited because today I get to share a very special BONUS episode of No Filter with you, featuring my good friend, “Weird Al” Yankovic (https://www.weirdal.com/)!He and I met last season, but we had such a terrific time getting to know each other that we talked and talked and talked and talked for so long that not all of it could be in the original show. But Al has a really awesome movie coming out today called WEIRD:The Al Yankovic Story, so I thought it would be a great time to see if Scotty would let me share the rest of our meeting with you—and he said yes! How awesome is that?!See you soon!Your pal,Vac
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