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No Filter with Dr. Marion Nestle
Count Vacula here, bringing you a new No Filter with Count Vacula! Today’s guest is Dr. Marion Nestle, PhD! Her favorite thing (and one of my favorite things, and probably one of your favorite things, too) is food! She has spent her whole life studying food, and her main job is teaching people about the best foods to help keep your body—and even your pets’ bodies—healthy and strong. Sometimes we choose our food based just on how it tastes on our tongue, but Dr. Marion taught me the word “nutrition,” which is how we describe the ways the other parts of our body react to food. Our muscles and our bones and our hair and even our mood can be affected by what we eat! I think that’s so cool to know about!Dr. Marion gives lectures about food and nutrition all over the world, and she teaches at colleges, and she also writes books. They’re mostly for grown-ups, but she has one called Eat Drink Vote that’s filled with cartoons we think you and your family might like. Dr. Marion talked to me about greenhouses, and about how some “junk” food (like her favorite—ice cream!) is ok to eat if you don’t overdo it. She also explained to me that she is uncomfortable making up answers to questions, so instead of giving a silly wrong answer to our science question, she explained the real reason why humans sweat, and that was really awesome! I liked learning the answer, but I also liked that she told me how she was feeling. It was really fun to meet Dr. Marion, and I think you’ll have fun meeting her too! I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with another new friend for you to meet. Have you met anyone new and interesting? Tell me about it! Or just let me know—how were you kind today (mailto:kind@imagineneighborhood.org?subject=Hi,%20Count%20Vacula!)?Your friend,VacGet more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.org (https://www.imagineneighborhood.org/)Friend and follow us!TWITTER (https://twitter.com/HowWereYouKind), FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/theimagineneighborhood/), INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/theimagineneighborhood/)
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