The Imagine Neighborhood
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Macho Supreme Summer Postcard 2022
Greetings, friends! Macho Supreme here! How is your summer going? Is it extremely macho? Macho hopes that it is. Macho is making his summer extremely macho by doing one of the most macho things Macho can think of—saying “I love you!” Macho has decided to say “I love you!” to all of Macho’s friends by helping them! So far this summer, Macho has helped the Fire Pirates, and Nana Supreme, and Princess Donnasaurus, and Macho has even helped Count Vacula by leaving goblin glitter on the floor for him to eat . . . although, now that Macho thinks about it, that may not have been the best idea Macho has ever had. What ideas do you have for saying “I love you” to your friends and family? You can have your grown-up help you write to Macho (mailto:kind@imagineneighborhood.org?subject=Hello%20Macho!%20Here%20are%20the%20ways%20I%20am%20saying%20%22I%20love%20you!%22) to tell him all about it, and then Macho can tell Scotty to send you some awesome stickers! That would definitely be extremely macho!Well, Macho has more friends to go say “I love you” to, and Macho also thinks he should probably check on his friend Count Vacula. Macho is concerned that Vacula has eaten a little too much goblin glitter and might hurt himself zooming around so fast. That would not be macho at all.PS: Oh! Did you think Macho had forgotten to say “I love you” to you? That would also not be macho at all!PPS: I LOVE YOU!!Get more at: IMAGINENEIGHBORHOOD.org (https://www.imagineneighborhood.org/)Friend and follow us!TWITTER (https://twitter.com/HowWereYouKind), FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/theimagineneighborhood/), INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/theimagineneighborhood/)
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