The Caldwell Commentaries Podcast
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Revelation Lesson 36: Testimony Time!
In the midst of Satan's temporary moment of seeming glory on earth, God will not be without His witnesses. In the first part of this lesson on Revelation chapter 11, we learn about the two mighty witnesses and discuss their possible identities, as well as their spectacular ministry to the nation of Israel. In the latter part of this lesson, we discuss the worshipful testimony that comes from the twenty-four elders in Heaven. Before any of that, however, the Apostle John was given another set of instructions from the Mighty Angel. He was told to measure the Temple, and that launches us into a conversation about which Temple the Angel was referring and the significance in measuring it. Find out what the special announcement of Revelation 11:15 is. Learn how Psalm 2 fits right in with the Tribulation days and the Second Coming of Christ.
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