The Caldwell Commentaries Podcast
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Heaven - Part II {More Misconceptions Corrected in this Exciting Glimpse of The New Jerusalem} NEW STUDY!
In this second part of our evangelistic, Scripture-based study on Heaven, we get a glimpse of the final phase of Heaven and the fulfillment of Christ's name, "Emmanuel" - "God with us". We discuss (among other truths from God's Word) such questions as . . . When will God finally wipe away all the tears of believers? How does Revelation 21:1 disprove “The Gap Theory?” What about the gates of pearl in the wall of the New Jerusalem? What is their significance? How large in the Eternal City? What is the shape of the Eternal City of God? A pyramid or a cube? What will the New Earth be like? What might be the reason the New Earth will no longer have seas (oceans)? Will there still be water in Heaven? How does Revelation 22:1 reveal the presence of the Trinity Members in the New Jerusalem? Will we eat and drink in Heaven and, if so, what? How is the one-Divine Authorship of Scripture shown from Genesis to Revelation? And much more . . . listen and make sure you will spend eternity in this "beyond imagination" final phase of God's dwelling place with the redeemed saints of all the ages!
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