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Heaven - Part I {Often Asked Heaven Questions Answered from Scripture}

For all Caldwell Commentary study books go to  or In the first part of this two-part study, we discuss many things (all based solely on Scripture) about the place we commonly call Heaven. Some of the topics we cover are: Is Heaven a literal place? Who goes there? How? What is "the PassWORD" (so to speak) to Heaven? Can we be sure of our salvation? How does Scripture describe a believer's death ? What are the various “phases” (changes) that have or will take place from the “Pre-Creation” Heaven to the “New Jerusalem” Heaven? What are the four great announcements of the completion of great Divine works found in Scripture? What will believers’ resurrection bodies be like? Will we really receive a resurrected body or just live eternally in a bodiless soul? Will we still be "us" (the same personality, gender, race)? What will our "apparent age" be in Heaven? Will we be able to do fourth dimensional things, like the resurrected Christ did? Why will there be no marriage in Heaven? Will we know one another in Heaven? Will we have the same "family" relationships (i.e., parents, spouse, children, etc.) as we had on Earth? Will we remember our earthly lives in Heaven or will a "memory swipe" be needed to remove all our sorrow and tears? Are those in Heaven aware of what is happening on Earth? Is there an “age of accountability”? Do we become angels when we die? Is Heaven really without “time”? How has marriage been a continuous theme and spiritual message in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation? An exciting study on about a place  you DO NOT WANT TO MISS! The Gospel is clearly presented, so share this message with those who need to know for certainly they will spend eternity with God!    

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