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Revelation Lesson 11: The Church at Ephesus - Part II {How to regain your first love}
The members of the original church at Ephesus lived in a very perverse, immoral, and dark city at a time when Emperor Domitian reigned. He was the first Roman emperor to seriously persecute Christians. Yet, even under heavy persecution and opposition, the Lord Jesus was able to commend the Ephesian believers for their strong doctrinal stand and their determination to not "faint" in their well doing for Him. In this lesson, we conclude looking at Christ's words to this first of seven Asia Minor churches (which prophetically pictured Church history, as well as individual churches throughout Church history). We look at His words of accusation, "Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love" (Revelation 2:4)! The early Apostolic church went "off track," not in doctrine, but in her personal love-relationship with Christ! When love for Christ "cools off," so does love for the brethren. An atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust in the Church body is not good; it does not develop brotherly love. This letter from the Lord is one we all need to use for serious self-examination. It is so easy to fall into the trap of serving Him for a number of wrong reasons, when we should be serving Him from deep love for what He means to us personally.
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