The Caldwell Commentaries Podcast
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Revelation Lesson 10: The Church at Ephesus - Part I
As in each discussion of the seven churches, we take a look at the setting: the original city in which each church existed. Ephesus was both the largest and the capital city of the Roman province of Asia Minor. It housed a massive, ornate Temple dedicated to the Roman "goddess" of fertility, Diana (called Artemis by the Greeks). It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The church was established in the heart of idolatry. Interestingly, the Apostle Paul, Aquila and Priscilla, Apollos, and Timothy were all involved with the church of Ephesus, which represents the Apostolic Stage of Church history. Ephesus means "desirable," and we discuss why the name was very appropriate. The glorified Christ had some wonderful words of commendation to this church, particularly about their caution to prevent false teachers and heresy from creeping into their assembly. He especially commended their hatred of the deeds of the Nicolaitans. Unfortunately, the damaging doctrine of that group took root later (during the church history stage represented by Pergamos) and the result has been an unbiblical division between "clergy" and "laity" found in much of Christendom.
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