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Revelation Lesson 17: Thyatira - Part III / Sardis - Part I

This lesson discusses the remainder of what the resurrected Lord said to the members of the church at Thyatira (see lessons 15 and 16), where the evil "Jezebel" had a tremendous influence, which unfortunately continues to this day in much of Christendom.  We also begin to study the Lord's letter to the fifth church, the church at Sardis, which means "escaping ones" or "remnant," and represents the Reformation stage of Church history.   How did a stage in Church history that began so wondrously and vibrantly that men and women were willing to give their lives for the true Gospel message - salvation by grace through faith alone - come to the point where she heard these words from Jesus, "I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead" (Revelation 3:1)?  Listen to this (and lesson 18) to find out.  Also find out what she needed to come ALIVE from her spiritually dead condition.

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