Anita Siek
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How to avoid content burnout and overwhelm
Let's be honest. Let's a lotta different types of platforms, channels, that business owners "have to" jump on right now. From LinkedIn, Instagram, Reels, Emails, Blogs etc -- it's no wonder so many of us are feelin' the overwhelm and burn out when it comes to content fatigue. If this is you?! Then this episode is one you don't wanna miss. In it, I share with you 5 ways that I've leaned on to help me avoid content burn out and overwhelm -- these are practices, mindset shifts, habits and systems that have helped me be smarter, when it comes to creating content. ___ PSST. Doors are currently open to The Wordfetti Club - our dedicated online business membership. If you dig our bite-sized episodes, and you wanna level up your content marketing, copywriting and consumer behaviour game, this membership is for you. Join now for a grandfathered rate of only $49 a month (cancel anytime) or $490 for the year (save 2 months and score extra bonuses) For more details click here: wordfettigroup.com/theclub
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