Advertise on Plink

Advertise your podcast on Plink to thousands of potential new listeners.

Here's your chance to get your podcast in front of the eyes of hundreds of thousands (100,000's) of active podcast listeners!

Ads on Plink - a smart linking tool used by thousands of creators and seen by hundreds of thousands of listeners each month. All of Plink's free, ad-supported links (4.0M+) will show and link to your podcast front and center, see screenshots below.

Start advertising

Reach out here to start your podcast advertising campaign today.

Ads placement - Front and center

Plink podcast link Show Page with example ad

Plink's ad-supported free links show ads at the top of every Show Page. Seen by hundreds of thousands each month, clicked on by thousands.

Plink's ad-supported free links show ads in the middle of every Episode listings Page. Seen by hundreds of thousands, clicked on by thousands.

Plink Episode listings Page example ad
Plink Episode specific Page example ad

Plink's ad-supported free links show ads in the middle of every Episode specific Page. Seen by hundreds of thousands, clicked on by thousands.

Ads pricing

Straight forward, flat-rate — one month ad campaign minimum, cancel anytime after the first month.
Plink's advertising pricing remains very competitive with industry ad rates.

Podcast Category Price (monthly) Spots Available Estimated reach* (monthly)
All $199 2 450-1100 clicks
$0.25 CPC

Ads run for one month (30 days) from the date of purchase and automatically renew, unless cancelled.
All prices are in US dollars. English-only because listener language cannot be targeted. Purchasing an Ad signifies your acceptance of the full Terms of Sale below.

Run an Ad for one month and then cancel at any time!

Start advertising

Reach out here to start your podcast advertising campaign today.

Who's using Plink?

Bloomberg Opinion logo
the NewsWorthy logo
NPO Zapp logo
Schneider Electric (SE) logo
NPO Radio1 logo Netherlands NOS logo
Channel 4 News logo

+ Many More Podcasters, Networks, & Media Co.'s

Terms of Sale

* The estimated performance metrics above are current as of June 2024 from current ad performance and are frequently updated. Plink does not guarantee the performance of your purchased ads. Ad viewership and clicks vary over time, and response rates depend on the quality, content, and relevance of your ad.

All sales are final. No refunds.

Plink may edit ad content for technical, layout, or style-conformance purposes, such as resizing images or performing minor copy edits if necessary.

Once you purchase an ad, it must be approved by Plink before it goes live, which typically occurs within 24 hours. Plink reserves the right to reject an ad for any reason, such as (but not limited to) billing issues, content policy, or quality concerns.

If your ad is not accepted, your payment will be refunded if possible, with the refund pro-rated if the ad has already run for a portion of its purchased duration.

You may cancel your advertising campaign at any time by writing to [email protected].

Permitted Content

All titles, images, and descriptions must be appropriate for a general audience of all ages, and may not contain profane, explicit, suggestive, offensive, or sexual content.

Ads will not be accepted for podcasts primarily or frequently about:

- Investment advice, securities or financial instruments (including cryptocurrency and NFTs), debt management, gambling, etc.
- Sex, sexual advice, seduction, objectification, etc.
- Weapons, hunting, etc.
- Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, or other drug use, recreation, recovery, or treatment
- Content or activities that are illegal in the United States
- Extreme or highly divisive political topics
- Violent, dangerous, racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Semitic, or otherwise offensive or hateful content
- False, misleading, anti-scientific, or unsubstantiated claims that may cause harm
- Any other content that may be considered harmful, offensive, or in poor taste by Plink's customers

Ads will also only be accepted for English language podcasts only because listener language cannot be targeted.

This is not an exhaustive list.

Plink reserves the right to cancel and refund any ad purchase, for any reason, at its sole discretion.