Tales From The Potting Bench
Adam Kirtland
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Ashley Edwards - Plants For Wellbeing
🧠 This week we’re talking about how gardens heal! Welcome to Tales From The Potting Bench, a planty podcast where you’ll hear all manner of stories from knowledgeable, passionate and invaluable people who love plants as much as you and I. Well, we’re here are final episode of season 7! 7 seasons of conversations with guests, spanning right across the horticultural world – from far away to nearby, every corner of the landscape has been surveyed, and we’ve learned a lot along the way. I’d like to thank you for listening, as always, and being the reason that I’m able to continue making this. You listening is the reason I make this, and you enjoying it, makes it completely worthwhile. The endless hours of producing, editing and writing, have come together in a season that I’m hugely proud of, and I hope you continue to enjoy it even more. I’d also like to give a huge thank you to the wonderful Westland Horticulture for coming on board as sponsors of this season (and beyond). They truly are the powerhouse of the plant world and their dedication to empowering everyone to grow, to learn skills and to gain knowledge about growing is the perfect match for this podcast. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, great gardening starts with great compost, and Westland has a trusted range of composts for your every gardening need, from giving your baskets and containers the best start in life to filling your vegetable patch with nutrients ahead of a bountiful season. Now, I’ve got something of a tradition on this podcast now – after 7 seasons, it's become a little thing that I challenge myself with. And that challenge is simple, every season should have a guest on that also happens to be a panellist on BBC Radio 4’s Gardener’s Question Time, and this season is no different. In this episode, I’m joined by head gardener at Horatio’s Garden in London, and GQT panellist, Ashley Edwards. Ashley has a wide-ranging background in horticulture – starting from a very young age, and in this episode we go right back to the beginning and end with the current day. So, grab yourself a drink or maybe pop your headphones in and head out into the garden and listen along with us now. Enjoy! If you’d like to see more from Ashley then you can follow him on Instagram where you’ll find him as @plantsforwellbeing. You can also follow along with Horatio’s too, and you’ll be able to find them as @horatiosgarden If we've whetted your appetite for growing, and you know that the appetite of your plants could do with some attention then do try Westland’s Growmore general purpose plant food! Growmore provides the three major plant nutrients in equal proportions. This makes it a superb general-purpose feed for use all around the garden. Its balance of nutrients ensures even stimulation of growth in all plant parts, meaning lots of fruit and flowers, abundant foliage as well as a strong root system. Find out more by visiting gardenhealth.com now. Fear not, I WILL be back in the new year with season 8 and the list of guests is already signed and sealed, so look out for that from February onwards! ✍️ Read My Blog and More: Click Here 💻 My Website: Visit Here 📩 Email Me: Here!
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