Tales From The Potting Bench
Adam Kirtland
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Roz Chandler - Farming For Flowers!
💐 This week we're talking cut flowers! Welcome to Tales From The Potting Bench, a planty podcast where you’ll hear all manner of stories from knowledgeable, passionate and invaluable people who love plants as much as you and I. We’re here at the monumental 7th season of the podcast and thanks to you, the listeners, we’re back with even more guests and this season promises to be even bigger, even better and with even more planty goodness! This season I'm focussing on those people who really know what they're talking about in a series of episodes I'm calling 'Experts In Their Field'. Along with a brand-new season, is a brand-new sponsor, and I’m thrilled to share that I’m joined for season 7 by the powerhouse of the plant world, Westland Horticulture. Westland are dedicated to empowering everyone with the skills, knowledge, and tools to help every gardener give it their best, season after season. Great gardening starts with great compost, and Westland has a trusted range of composts for your every gardening need, from giving your baskets and containers the best start in life filling your vegetable patch with nutrients ahead of a bountiful season. Picture the scene, we’ve all been there…you’ve grown a whopper of a dahlia, or your Ranunculus have had a storming year and suddenly, you’ve decided you want to be a cut flower farmer! The truth to cut flower farming is far from the romanticised world you might think it is but by gosh is it fun (but with lots of hard work added in for good measure). Roz Chandler is a cut flower expert, a flower farmer and a business guru with years of experience across all of those fields. In this episode we discuss the reality of cut flower farming, both the good and the bad, running your own business and much much more. Enjoy! If you’d like to see more from Roz, then you can follow her on Instagram where you’ll find her as @fieldgateflowers. Roz’s account not only share the highs and lows of cut flower farming, but its also jam packed with tonnes of business advice too! Roz’s podcast, The Cut Flower Podcast is also well worth a listen for even more advice from the world of flowers. And you can listen to that across all major podcast platforms now. If your blooms are in need of a boost then try Westland’s Boost All Purpose Liquid Plant Feed. You can achieve four times more blooms, giving you an even more stunning floral display and an abundance of healthy fruit and veg too. Using its unique Plantsense™ technology, Boost will feed all ornamental and ericaceous plants, plus all fruit and vegetables and give you incredible results. ✍️ Read My Blog and More: Click Here 💻 My Website: Visit Here 📩 Email Me: Here!
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