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Tom Cottingham of Flyover Future // building a news organization covering innovation in 20+ cities across the midwest. [CC075]
Interview begins: 7:00 Debrief: 38:33 Tom Cottingham is the founder and CEO of Flyover Future. Flyover Future is a digital newsletter covering innovation and start-ups in the heartland. They cover the investors, the innovators and the ecosystems that help innovation thrive. We help our readers discover the amazing companies and initiatives throughout the midwest that make Flyover Country a vibrant center of 21st century innovation. We discuss: - Print Media 10:58 - Launching a Media Company 12:16 - Louisville's Business Model 13:59 - Curating Readers 17:07 - City Based vs Topic Based 22:21 - Generational Opportunity 29:39 - Who's Important? 32:41 Mucker Capital was founded in 2019 and based in Louisville, Kentucky. Learn more about Flyover Future: https://flyoverfuture.com/ Follow upside on Twitter: https://twitter.com/upsidefm Advertise with an upside classified: https://upside.fm/classifieds
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