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[Chicago Capital] Ezra Galston of Starting Line on Resiliency, Starting Line Fund II, & the State of Chicago Tech
This week on the feed we're featuring the Chicago Capital Podcast. Chicago Capital is hosted by Matt Castellini and explores the Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial ecosystem in Chicago. Matt is currently getting his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business while working in early stage VC. He grew up in the Chicagoland area and attended Notre Dame for undergrad. He became obessesed with podcasts and podcasting after college. He finally decided to start one when I saw an opportunity to spotlight a city that I felt was not receiving the national recognition it deserved. Matt is also the author of Venture Scenes, where I blog about Startups, Venture Capital, and Movies. Ezra Galston is the Founding Partner at Starting Line, a Chicago-based early-stage venture capital firm that invests in leading consumer products and brands. In this episode, they cover: Fundraising Resiliency Starting Line Fund II Building to Conviction Post-Investment Value-Add The Challenges of the VC Feedback Loop State of Chicago Tech
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