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Charles Soule & Ryan Browne’s Lucky Devils Interview: Comics, Eight Billion Genies, Curse Words And “Building Contrast”
Surprise! Charles Soule & Ryan Browne join Mike (interrupting Clone Wars Christmas), to talk about their upcoming 9 issue series with Image Comics: Lucky Devils and their collaborative relationship as writer & artist. So if you’re a fan of comic books, collaboration or looking further into the creative process, this is the episode for you! In more detail, Mike delves deeper into the relationship between Ryan & Charles, from Curse Words to Eight Billion Genies present day’s Lucky Devils and why they both believe they work well together. The trio also give their thoughts on The Human Condition, the philosophy of Eight Billion Genies, Charles’ novels and Curse Words concept album, plus working with & without existing IPs, down-time and so much more! Find Image Comics’ Lucky Devils #1 anywhere from January 8th: https://imagecomics.com/comics/releases/the-lucky-devils-1-of-9 Charles Soule’s Website: www.charlessoule.com - @CharlesSoule on social media, @CharlesDSoule on IG. Ryan Browne’s Linktree: linktr.ee/brownetowne - @RyanBrowneArt on social media The weekly Skeleton Crew discussion shows have begun and Thomas Rochester joins Mike for the two-episode premiere! Listen on any podcast app: https://pod.fo/e/28c27a or watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/k00J2aTz5zk Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234found here: https://pod.fo/e/23d985 & https://youtu.be/pQA0QvC5qa0 and ep 246 found here: https://pod.fo/e/279547 & https://youtu.be/PAEmwuhG2gw Clone Wars Conversations has been releasing monthly since January 21st 2024 on the usual podcast feeds & YouTube (eps 221, 225, 229, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249, 251 & 252 of GCC): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcO1Ib_BGD8Y79aRWUxSWwdy3eyNrbXBl Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at https://linktr.ee/GenuineChitChat Mike’s Guest Spots: On Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores, but with Megan, talking Princess Diana in Spencer: https://pod.fo/e/2916c6 On Spider-Dan’s pod again, Mike talks their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: https://pod.fo/e/289237 On Back To The Filmography talking Glory Daze & Matthew McConaughey: https://pod.fo/e/28e32e Mike also appears in the VHS Strikes Back Dragonslayer episode: https://pod.fo/e/28f73f Don’t forget to share and review the podcast, it helps more than you know! If you want to support the show and get bonus content, please support on Patreon for at least one exclusive bonus episode every week: www.patreon.com/GenuineChitChat
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